Thursday, February 2, 2023

Nice or notorious Naples, you decide

 (photo credit - By it:Utente:...Lord_Zarcon - it:Immagine:Napoli_di_sera_di_alessandro_zarcone.jpg modified, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Naples, or Napoli, Italy is one of those polarizing places and folks seem to have all kinds of opinions on it.  For example, one of our taxi drivers felt it was the best place on Earth.  I'll share my view later in this post.  Some like Rick Steves mention that Naples exhibits some of the best attributes of Italy and some of the worst.

(photo credit - By Valerio Capello at English Wikipedia - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, )

Our group, of four, was here by the Naples airport at the start of our trip in the end of June 2022.  One in our group nicknamed it "land of the honkers" because of all the honking heard at the airport.  Our intent was to go from the airport via bus to the wonderful town of Sorrento.  As we were walking about looking for our bus a taxi driver lied and tried to convince us that the bus wasn't coming for hours and that his good deal would be much better.  So, we kept walking found the bus which was already there and set off for Sorrento.  Lesson one, don't trust the taxi drivers, or some at least.

When we were ending our trip we took a ferry from Ischia to Naples.  Once we arrived in Naples we wanted to take a taxi to the hotel to hopefully avoid pickpockets, which we had be warned about.  The taxi driver seemed to make up some story about a strike but it was blazing hot and we wanted to get to the hotel.  So, we made our way through the wild traffic that made us quite glad that we weren't driving.  However upon arrival at Piazza Dante someone tried to mess with one of our bags right after we were out of the taxi.  Once the lady was noticed, she awkwardly tried to say something about a restaurant and hurried off with her tail between her legs.  Lesson two, like we've heard, watch out for pickpockets.

However, things got better.  We settled into our hotel, Rinuccini Relais, that had a huge bank vault type door which made it feel like you were in a safe room of sorts.  The place was very nice and modern inside.  It was a nice place to relax and get out of the heat.

Two of us did do a walk around the block, after leaving our valuables in the hotel room, in what felt like record heat.  We found a great coffee bar with a super friendly fellow.  He told us about his family and the language native to the folks of Naples, Neapolitan.  The iced coffee, Caffè Shakerato, was excellent and refreshing!  I'm trying to recall but I think this was the place.

Of course, while in the birthplace of pizza we had to find some authentic pizza as well!  We made the short walk to Antica Pizzeria Port’Alba .  It is supposed to be the birthplace of pizza!  They have amazing traditional pizza there.  The older gentleman waiter was great but seemed a bit annoyed by the chatty American love bird couple next to us.  One person in our group ordered a non-traditional pizza with wurstel and French fries.

We walked back to the hotel and were tempted to stop one last time for gelato but alas we were too full from the pizza!

So, what to say about Naples?  I have to hedge a bit by saying that we were only there for one day basically.  I would say that it's one of those "embrace the chaos" types of places.  There might be better neighborhoods than the one that we stayed in but I would say that my first impression is not the greatest.  On the plus side you can encounter friendly folks, find amazing food, coffee, etc...  However, on the downside are petty crime, organized crime, graffiti, dishonest taxi drivers, trash in the streets, homeless, etc...  Maybe someday I'll have the chance to go back and hopefully my opinion will improve.  The people that I met there seem great.  The city itself seems to have great potential.  Hopefully, those living there can get help from local government and nonprofits to improve the city.  Have you been to Naples before?  What was your experience like?

I do want to say that you can certainly just use Naples as an airport hub if you plan things out.  Happy travels!  That brings me to lesson three, carefully plan your entrance and exit to the city for your own safety and those that you are with.  Ciao.

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  John 3:16 ✝

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Superb Sant'Angelo on the Island of Ischia

Sant'Angelo is a superb little walking only town on the island of Ischia, in Italy.  One small caveat to the walking only part is that you might see little vehicles taking supplies and / or luggage around occasionally but that's about it.  Otherwise it's just the nice quiet sound of folks walking around and relaxing! 

My group of four took a day trip from where we were staying in Forio to Sant'Angelo.  We took a crowded public bus on the way there, which worked fine, and then opted for a taxi on the way back.

This quaint little town is easily walkable, even in the hot and humid of summer time.  There are great ways to cool down if it is hot.  One way is via a local place serving delicious gelato.  Another way is to rent a beach chair and take a splash.  If you're adventurous, or perhaps foolish, like us then you can, at your own risk, hike out to the Torre di Sant' Angelo and carefully get in and out of the water to cool down.  Please watch out for waves and slippery rocks if you try this (again at your own risk of course).

Bar Ridente is a good spot for lunch.  They offer gelato as well, just don't make the mistake that we did and try to sit at a table if you're only getting gelato.

There are water taxis that can take you to nearby Maronti beach, or you can hike.  We opted to just hike to a local church and also tried to find a steam vent attraction.  We failed to find that but still had a good hike despite the heat.  It's good to bring your own water bottle so that you can refill it when you find faucets in town or near churches.

Sant'Angelo is certainly worth a day trip and perhaps longer if you want to get away from the noise and busyness of other locations.  Are you planning to go to this region of Italy?  Where to?  Happy travels.  Ciao.

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  John 3:16 ✝

Monday, January 16, 2023

Fabulous Forio on the Island of Ischia

Forio on the island of Ischia, in Italy, is a fabulous town for relaxation and an authentic Italian experience.  Ischia may not be a tourist hot spot like nearby Positano or Capri but it's a wonderful place to get away from it all.  Forio specifically is a great place to relax and enjoy the simple pleasures.

When my group went there we stay at the lovely Hotel La Scogliera.  It's in a great location close to beaches, restaurants, small grocery stores, and tabacchis (almost like convenience stores in the USA).  The hotel staff were excellent and quite friendly.  It was really convenient to catch the sunsets just across the street from the hotel as well.

Our group of four choose this Forio area so that we could have a lot of beach and relaxation time.  We had originally planned to go hiking up the mountain, Monte Epomeo, and visit local hot springs / spa but it was unusually hot for the time of year (end of June / early July).  It was so hot and humid that one felt a bit tired just walking around in the heat.

We tried a few free beaches near the hotel and they were very nice.  The water was quite refreshing.  We had the wonderful opportunity to get to chat with some of the local residents there too.  The lidos or paid beaches were nearby as well.

There's a lot of good food to be found at the restaurants.  Anything from seafood, lemon pasta, gnocchi, pizza, and much more.  Please learn from our mistake though.  We tried eating dinner at our early American time of around 5 PM and options are limited.  If you shift it later there's a lot more to choose from.

The coffee in Italy is really excellent.  There was one shop that even roasted their own coffee.  Others in town had great cappuccinos and delicious pastries as well.  

The La Mortella gardens have quite the variety of plants and fountains. If you hike up to the top it offers a great view of Forio and the coastline as well.

It's also great fun to just walk around and explore.  There's beautiful churches both in Forio and right by the water.  The architecture and small details are also delightful.

    If you enjoyed this please support my work - . Thank you.  

    If you'd like more inspiration for your own travels then please check out my YouTube channel - or Instagram - .

    P.S. This blog uses some affiliate links so that I can keep bringing you great independent content.

      John 3:16 ✝