Monday, January 22, 2024



Lucca is a great day trip and a place where you don't mind getting lost in the old town. It's fun to leisurely explore and you might as well expect to get lost and then check your offline google map.  It has a great mix of architecture and art. There are fun places to relax or rent a bike as well.

I ignored advice of avoiding touristy places for meals. I was wooed by the views in Piazza dell'Anfiteatro and had lunch at an okay place. The tortellini were nothing great but it was still nice to enjoy the views.

I didn't really have much of an agenda while there. I enjoyed a cappuccino at a coffee bar in the morning. Then it was good fun to explore the sights, streets, open air markets, and capture the moments with my film camera and iPhone as well.

getting lost in Lucca's old town is part of the fun

Lucca has a nice chill vibe. It's an interesting town with a lot of options. You can explore the art and history of various churches, climb towers for a nice view, rent a bike and ride atop the wall, or just relax somewhere and take in the sights.

renting a bike looks like a lot of fun here

If you happen to be there in the spring you can catch the classical music festival. Other events that Lucca is known for are other music festivals and a comics and games convention.

If I were to return I think that I'd rent a bike and explore the trail atop the wall. It'd be fun to browse shops, grocery stores, and even try a few recommended restaurants as well.

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  John 3:16 ✝

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