Saturday, March 9, 2024

Manarola and Corniglia

The two smallest towns of the Cinque Terre are fun to visit.  If you take the train you can easily see both, depending on what you'd like to do.  Some even try to cram all five into one day but I don't recommend it, if you would like to take your time and enjoy exploring.  Also, if you're ambitious you can tackle the hike between the two towns (I haven't tried this one yet myself).

Corniglia is a cute little town.  From the train station it has a lot of steps up to the town.  There's also a road that winds up to the town a bit more gradually.  Be safe either way you choose!  There's also a shuttle or taxi if you prefer.  At the top of the stairs in Corniglia, you'll find a nice restaurant with decent pesto, outdoor seating with some shade and a nice view.

There are some really nice views to be had as you explore Corniglia.  The small pedestrian streets, a couple squares, and the church are also some highlights.

Manarola was probably my favorite out of the two.  It also has excellent views, a small harbor, and a panoramic vineyard trail.

The trail was one of the highlights for me.  It wasn't crowded.  The views were amazing and it was a nice peaceful walk as well.

The churches and cemeteries are interesting spots to visit.  Depending on the weather and the waves you can check out the small harbor for swimming as well.  The Punta Bonfiglio is a good spot for taking in the amazing sights.

I hope that you enjoyed this short overview of these pleasant towns.  Feel free to drop a comment with any thoughts, questions, or if you feel like sharing your travel dreams or plans.  Ciao.

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  John 3:16 ✝ Search FlightsImage

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