Thursday, March 28, 2024


I traveled to Riomaggiore by train in the morning, one day in late April 2023, from my home base of Monterosso Al Mare.  I arrived pretty early, around 9am, while there was still good morning light for photography and before a lot of tourists were out.  I didn't have much of an agenda.  I just wanted to explore, hike around a bit, and do film and digital photography.

Exploring the town with the many little pedestrian side streets is fun.  Good shoes are recommended of course because of the amount of steps.

The morning light was wonderful and it was nice and peaceful without a lot of folks there in town yet.

(film photo from an Olympus Trip 35)

There were fun little details to be enjoyed like the clothes hanging from clothes lines, rusty postal signs, the morning light striking the buildings and streets just right.

(another film photo)

One doesn't have to walk too far to find stunning views.  This can either be by getting your heart rate up and hiking up by the cemetery or just finding a level coastal path.  Especially in the spring time with the flowers in bloom the vistas can be quite something!

The small harbor and view points could be what you've already seen in photos but seem so much more impactful in person.

There are nice little sights in the town including the church (Church of San Giovanni Battista), a small tower, the harbor, etc...

(another film photo)

I hope that you've enjoyed this short overview of one of the Cinque Terre towns.  Have you been there before or plan to visit?  Feel free to say hello in the comments.  Ciao.


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If you'd like more inspiration for your own travels then please check out my YouTube channel - or Instagram - .

P.S. This blog uses some affiliate links so that I can keep bringing you great independent content.

  John 3:16 ✝ Search FlightsImage

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